Sunday, September 5, 2010

Here we go again...

Back to school. I love my kids, but I love to miss them more. Haha! First day of school. Kirk and I have been kinda wigging out all summer cause all our kids are in school now and our first baby girl is in Jr High(7th grade) and our last baby girl is in K-garten! What the??? When did that happen and am I really old enough to have a child in Jr High!? Sheesh! Anyhoo, on to a new phase in life that is exciting/scary!

So excited for her first day. First day outfit that she bought and picked out herself at the mall...just her and her cousin...without me....Watching her leave. So hard to let go...(shed a tear)
Elementary kids. AT is in 4th grade and ES is in 3rd. Love both their teachers!! R didnt start til the next week.
Rs turn to start K-garten. She was so excited. So ready to own that classroom. AT was the only one willing to stop and take a pic with her. Nice big brother. ES is in the background running away from the camera.
Needed to make sure she knew where to go, so I made her show me the way. Long walk all the way down that hall and then some for those little guys and gals. She was all over it!
Her little cousin BB! Love the peace out(hilarious) and love this kid!! She has 3 other cousins in her class.
Model students.
How can you not love that face!
Front row Joe ready to go!

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