Thursday, July 5, 2007


A gal in our ward invited E and I to go to Lagoon with her and her kids and, you know what they say about's what fun is......NOT. We still ahd fun though. First ride of the day.....WICKED!!!! It was a blast. It's on my favorite list. I almost lost my hat, but with my cat like reflexes I snatched it right out of the air. Good times!!!!
Some fun ones on the swings. Kirk wasnt to happy I had the camera out on the ride. I was s0 careful.

Self portrait.

Tomasi wanted me to take a picture of us together. I love this kid. He is such a nice sweet boy. We went on the Tidal Wave and he started to get freaked out so I put my arm around him and he scooted in close to me to feel safe he said. I told Kirk that, and he said he's a smart boy. Nice Kirk.

Action shot getting off the sky ride. Go E go!!!

E and Tomasi. I don't care how old you are never to big for the bumper cars!!